Our beginnings…

June 17, 1894- the congregation was organized in the home of T. A. Livengood.

Rev. JC Leonard was the first pastor until 1896.

There were 19 charter members. The Livengood home is now the police station.

The congregation began meeting on the second floor of the Lindsay Myers- General Store on Main Street, now Mahan Appliance Store.

Dec 15, 1895 West Main Street Heidelberg Reformed Church was dedicated. Rev. Clarence Clapp became pastor (1895-1899).

1918- The Rev. Dr. J.A. Palmer became pastor.

1928- The lot for this current building was purchased from A. H. Ragan.

1934- Merger between the Reformed Church and the Evangelical Synod of North America creating the “Evangelical and Reformed denomination.

E & R from 1934-1957

In 1934, there was a merger between the Reformed Church and the Evangelical Synod of North America creating the Evangelical & Reformed Church. 

January 30, 1949- The original church building on W. Main Street burned.

After the fire, Services were held at Calvary Reformed Church until later in the year.

The basement level of the current church building on Salem Street was used until the new sanctuary was completed on March 27, 1955 (Palm Sunday).

April 10,1955 the Palmer Memorial Schantz Pipe Organ was dedicated.

Dr. J. A. Palmer was pastor here at Heidelberg for 37 ½ years, starting in 1918. 

1955- The Rev.  Richard A. Cheek becomes pastor.  

1956- The new parsonage, next door to the church, was built.

The United Church of Christ- 1957- Today

1957- The Evangelical and Reformed Church and the Congregational Christian Church merged to form the present-day United Church of Christ.

2001- Heidelberg Thomasville and the parsonage next door were added to the Thomasville Historic District.

2006- The Ragan-Webb House was purchased. Ragan was a local textile manufacturer.

2014- Palmer Memorial Schantz Pipe Organ was refurbished with stops added and was completed in 2015.

2015- Stained Glass windows were refurbished.

2020-2022- COVID-19 Pandemic

2022- The first Advent Vespers services were added to the Christmastide Tradition

2023- The first Lenten Vespers services were added to the Eastertide Tradition.

2023 May- Welcomed eight new members to the Heidelberg congregation.

2024- The Heidelberg Family Chapel began construction in the former Harold Myers Bibe Class. 

2024- The Rev. Chesley Kennedy is installed as the 21st pastor.  


2022- Today
The Rev. Chesley Kennedy, M.Div., LCAS

Rev. Stephen C. Monroe

Rev. R.J. Hronek

Rev. Jamie T. Fonville

Rev. James F. Staunton

Rev. Eric D. Stroshine

Rev. James L. Peeler

Rev. Max L. Tussey

Rev. G. Harold Myers

The Rev. Dr. Richard A. Cheek

1918- 1955
The Rev. Dr. J. A. Palmer

Rev. G.E. Plott

Rev. Clarence Woods

Rev. W.M. McNarry

Rev. I.S. Ditzier

Rev. L.W. Shuler

Rev. Fred Cromer

Rev. W.W. Rowe

Rev. J.N. Faust

Rev. Clarence Clapp

The Reverend J.C. Leonard